Informative Technology Of All Kinds

About ITDriven

Hello Viewers! I wanted to bring a blog of different kinds of technology to this page and hope you can bear with me as I try to continue to add some things on here from time to time.

I don't plan on posting something up everyday, but any chance I get I want to make sure what I post is helpful, interesting and inspiring to you. Thank's for stopping by! :D
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Scientists do Virtual Autopsy of the Famous King Tut & Find New Details

I always like finding out new things that pertain to Egypt and even of people I grew up learning about Egypt. Egypt and some of the findings there seem to always leave me with more questions than there are answers. Some findings are still unknown or unexplored through the pyramids just because some are off limits no matter the permissions.

I was emailed this article about King Tut and found it very neat there was permission given to delve deeper into who King Tut really was underneath that beautiful artistic coffin. I could care less that it was made of gold, but the coffin itself, the way it was made was very neat. 

Unfortunately, after reading the article about who he actually was and what he had to go through up to the age of 19, I really feel bad what he had to go through. Even if he is a kings son, seeing what he had to deal with health-wise, I doubt he'd even have the time to even think about building a pompous attitude to those who served him and his family, just because of all he had to deal with when it came to his well being. There were even world problems, most likely just as bad as what we're going through now. Even if the problems are different than today's world problems, they seemed to cause the same affect. Anger, hatred, corruption. All three that still exist today. I know there's more. I can't think of them at this present time, but these three concern me the most. I at least wanted to share the link because it still has to do with technology, but it gives a better understanding what was going on then during that time in history for the Egyptian people. It leaves me feeling thankful where I stand in life, because not all kings, or anyone at the top (or bottom) for the matter, has it easy.

The Clash of Art & Technology: Music

I've been wanting to post this for a good while, but have been "under the weather" sort to speak. Cold and bleak do not bode well with me. I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same. XD

I'm new to a lot of this app stuff that's taken root and infiltrated the minds of millions. XD While apps are cool, I'm not that big on them. It just depends on what an app is needed for really. Some are fun, educational or now, developed to help with expressing artistic creativity. Some are free, some are not. Both routes have their bouts of bummers. Depends on the long run what you want to sacrifice: Time or money. As much as I love technology, it can also irritate me. While I'm not musically inclined, I feel the pain of artists in general that deal with trying to find tools (software, apps, etc) that best fits their needs and hoping they don't hit a wall, limitation or fault with an art program. It can stagnate progress and leave you feeling irritated if you're new to it all.

While visiting family during Christmas, I overheard a family member talking about an app that you can use for all those neat i-whatever devices. (iPad, iPhone, iPod) This may not be the best app out there for playing guitar, but I found it pretty neat. It's called Amplitube (free version). I love that there's pro and con comments listed below an app. It saves a lot of time in finding the right app for anyone. Of course, with anything that's "free", it's probably limited in it's options, and what options that are given may not be of good quality. Sometimes, I will have to delve into a program to see if it fits what I'm looking for. Just because someone else says it's crappy, may be because of a feature they needed to work wasn't of good quality...that they might have failed to mention when making a complaint. I have to know specifically why a program is crappy. Not only that it's crappy. Is the feature that lacks in quality something I need to use in the future? If not, I shouldn't have a problem using the program if it's a feature I won't need or miss. For example, I came across people through the Internet who said GIMP was a hard program to use, but I couldn't understand why. =|

Below is a video I watched a year or so ago that sets a great example "the tools are what you make them". In the end, the tool can't easily create what we want for us. But if we know the "right" tool that works for us and can use it to get creativity across to an audience, no matter the route, that would be an awesome feat within itself. That has to be one thing I love about technology and Art coming together. Whether someone's physically able to use a musical instrument or not, it opens up doors for others to express themselves artistically in ways that were never available 50 years ago. There's no such thing as an absolutely perfect tool, but a tool that fits your needs and is right for you. =) 

As far as I know. The band below had all their instruments stolen. The drums played by one guy looks to be from the app GarageBand. Just goes to show, never to give up finding what works for you to get your creativity across. =)

Levitating Candelabra! :D

I bring you the levitating candelabra! :D ... Or as it's most known as today: a candlestick. XD  It's not levitating by itself though. There is a huge piece of levitating aluminum in the video, which then the candlestick is placed. I saw it as a very cool find, and wanted to share it with all you technologic blogger babies out there. XD :3 

Interactive Projection Technology

As the seasons change, so does the technology we use. I find it very interesting how we're moving into a day and age of "interconnection" with our technology. We went from wired products, to wireless products and now moving onto....possibly no products at all... at least within tangible grasp. Yet somehow, we can still interact with this new technology by the warmth/pressure of our hands and feet. Below are links of examples of people interacting with projection floors, walls or both. While this technology is new, I find it very cool and can't wait to see it expand and make it into households some day. I don't own a Wii, and never have. But after stumbling across an example (video below) of a multi projection interactive wall and floor game... Oh man, it makes the Wii look archaic right now. This new idea of gaming just blows the Wii right out of the water and would make for the ultimate exercise room. XD 

A little girl running across an: Interactive floor with leaf effect 
Interactive floor projection for a: Royal wedding - Kuwait 
Interactive Floor at: Queenz, the luxury club, Bangkok, Thailand 
Large interactive floor projection at the: London Aquarium 
(Best one I could find on water effects)
This is really cool. I can see the Wii gaming system's demise with this video. *salivates* 
multi projection wall & floor interactive

Imagine passing an interactive clothing ad. Goodbye creepay mannequins! XD
Interactive Display Window
For the Boson Higgs fans out there, this video shows a Higgs field simulator. How the Higgs field interacts with matter. From what I could find out, the Interactive LHC Tunnel is on public display in Germany, Switzerland and France for now. =(
Interactive LHC Tunnel 
Now, let's go further down the rabbit hole with this kind of technology. What if it was all stored in your eyes? =) I'll leave you with this to chew on: Sight

R2-D2 USB Car Charger from ThinkGeek

I came across the R2-D2 car charger from a post made by a friend online. I couldn't help but share this little gem. It's so cute!  XD
I don't like the idea of a mini R2-D2 randomly bleeping inside my car (only because I wouldn't expect it), but I wouldn't mind having it inside my house charging my stuff and bleeping as much as it's little heart desires. If you're interested in this little guy, here is where it be: ThinkGeek R2-D2 Car Charger 

While it's a pretty cool item, I find it interesting how people are starting to buy technology for their technology. As if we're moving into buying little companions for our tech products to take care of each other... =)

Bone Conduction Headphones - Aftershokz

I stumbled across these babies this summer and found them to be really cool. I'm not an ear bud person only because they don't like me. Earbuds tend to randomly geronimo out of my ear whenever they feel like it. On the other hand, headphones that cover the ears start to bother me now and I can't stand them over my ears as much as I use to. It's time for a change and I'm glad that change is hear now. :D

Why Bone Conduction headphones are cool:
Bone conduction is a technique developed hundreds of years ago by Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia. Beethoven discovered he could hear music through his jawbone by biting down on a metal rod that was attached to his piano, while he was going deaf. So this method allowed him to continue composing his music and still hear the tonal quality of what he was composing. The same principles of bone conduction are used in the Aftershokz headphones. Also, Aftershockz began making these headphones for military use a few years ago. It was used in combat situations so that others can communicate with each other and still hear their surrounding. 

For the present day musician
I found this comment on one of the videos:
"If you are a musician, these headphones are amazing for playing to a click-track. The audience can't hear them and you get a click in both ears. Moreover, nothing covers your actual ears, so you can hear everything happening on stage. They're not terribly durable, though. Still, I'd recommend them for playing to a click."

This video is of an interview with one of the Aftershokz members at CES 2013. It was a fun and interesting watch. Videos from Aftershokz (eye candy for the male viewers). XD  
For the zombie lovers: Zombiez Coming?

How bone conduction hearing works:
If you're like me and want to hear what the difference is, here is a link to a section of video that I felt would emphasize how the headphones work: AfterShokz - Bone conduction headphones/. The section I choose is but 16 seconds long. You could watch the whole video, but it's a year old and the flaws pointed out in the video have probably been updated since then.
For the person with hearing loss:
There's people who have hearing loss that can and are benefiting from this awesome technology. I'm happy those who are in extreme limbo with their hearing loss have the chance to gain back some of that indendence so many of us take for granted. Here's a video of a young girl who can now hear a little easier with: Aftershokz bone conduction earphones.

If you want to find out more about these ridiculously awesome little headphones. Here's the site link: There's even a link at the top of the main site for those who are also visually impaired or blind, who may have trouble placing an order. I don't know if there's any give in price for such headphones for those who are disabled, but they tend to be around the $100 range. While this article is somewhat lengthy, I hope this article was a little entertaining and beneficial at the same time. =)

RetroN 5 Gaming Classic Console

For those of you who own a few of the older gaming consoles and wished you didn't have so many of them around the entertainment center, or the console system for that special game you love is about ready to give up the ghost, this is for you. I never thought that such a gaming console would ever exist. One system that would rule them all... kind of. XD What is this gaming console of which I speak? RetroN 5.

The RetroN 5 will have 5 cartridge slots allowing you to use original NES, SNES, Genesis, Famicom, and Game Boy Advance cartridges. You will also be able to use Super Famicom, Mega Drive, Game Boy Color and Game Boy cartridges as well. Hyperkin, for sure, is a gaming company to keep an eye on over time. I feel they will only continue being awesome at what they do.

A simple breakdown of listed features
User Interface: A new system menu that will allow for users to select which system they would like to play, as well as access features that Hyperkin felt were important to gamers.

Save States: The RetroN 5 will allow you to save games at any point during gameplay, and will feature an autosave feature upon shutdown.

Shaders: The RetroN 5 will up convert the video signal to show clearer and cleaner images, with vibrant colors on an HDTV with a resolution output of up to 720p through the use of shaders.

Button Reassignment: Users will be able to program the controller to assign buttons to their preference.

Manual & Passive Overclocking: Gives users the ability to speed up or slow down their games as they see fit. (e.g. RPG level ups)

The features I listed above are not in full detail. For those who want to delve a little deeper into the rabbit hole on the extras, click-edit here: RetroN 5 :D